Development of the biobank and networks
Fostering scientific collaborations in the field of genetic intellectual disability
The Jérôme Lejeune Institute is the principal partner of BioJeL. Interconnection between clinical consultation at the Institute and the Biological Resources Centre are a major asset. BioJeL promotes the establishment of appropriate processes, in order to respect the rights and duties of each of the parties involved in scientific research: the scientific community, the medical team and the patients.
The Jérôme Lejeune Institute supports scientific research. It has endowed the various services involved with new computer servers and software, in order to improve structuring and facilitating data interfacing. The creation of a digital virtual data warehouse bringing together the data produced by different services is planned and will serve a dual purpose: research and care. The purpose is to make it possible to visualise and analyse data and to promote national and international collaborations for scientific research in the domain of intellectual deficiencies of genetic origin. The samples stored, which are collected during consultations, are thus associated with anonymous data from the corresponding patient’s medical records (socioeconomic data, family history, clinical examinations results, medical reports, etc.).
BioJeL is a member of the Club 3CR, a professional network involved in the management of biological resources collections bringing together 115 biobanks and 6 biobank networks.