Collaborer avec le CRB-BioJeL pour un projet de recherche
Promouvoir la recherche scientifique sur les déficiences intellectuelles d’origine génétique
Le CRB-BioJeL propose à la communauté scientifique ses collections.
L’accès aux échantillons et à leurs données associées se fait sous certaines conditions, notamment d’ordre éthique et réglementaire. Les demandes de collaboration sont présentées au Comité Éthique et Scientifique de l'Institut Jérôme Lejeune pour valider leur adéquation avec son activité.
La majorité des projets s’articule autour de la trisomie 21 et des comorbidités associées.
Ces projets donnent lieu à diverses publications :
- Contribution of next-generation sequencing in pediatric practice in Lebanon. A study on 213 cases.
Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine, 29 August 2018.
Pratibha Nair, Sandra Sabbagh, Hicham Mansour, Ali Fawaz, Ghassan Hmaimess, Peter Noun, Rawane Dagher, Hala Mégarbané, Sayeeda Hana, Saada Alame, Maher Lamaa, Dana Hasbini, Roula Farah, Mariam Rajab, Samantha Stora, Oulfat El-Tourjuman, Pauline Abou Jaoude, Gihad Chalouhi, Rony Sayad, Anne-Céline Gillart, Mahmud Al-Ali, Valérie Delague, Stephany El-Halyek, André Mégarbané.
- COQ8Q and MED25 Mutations in a child with intellectual disability, microcephaly, seizures, and spastic ataxia: synergistic effect of digenic variants?
Molecular Syndromology, 29 August 2018.
Nair P., Lamaa M., El-Hayek S., Abou-Sleymane G., Stora S., Obeid M., Taleb El-Ali M., Delague V., Mégarbané A. - Homozygous mutation in ELMO2 may cause Raymon syndrome.
Clin Genet.2018 Mar; Epub 2018 Jan 25.
Mehawej C, Hoischen A, Farah RA, Marey I, David M, Stora S, Lachlan K, Brunner HG, Mégarbané A.
- Methylomic profiling in trisomy 21 identifies cognition- and Alzheimer’s disease-related dysregulation
Clinical Epigenetics, 2019 December 16
Haertle, T. Müller, R. Lardenoije, A. Maierhofer, M. Dittrich, R. J. M. Riemens, S. Stora, M. Roche, M. Leber, S. Riedel-Heller, M. Wagner, M. Scherer, A. Ravel, C. Mircher, C. Cieuta-Walti, S. Durand, D. L. A. van de Hove, P. Hoffmann, A. Ramirez, T. Haaf, N. El Hajj& A. Mégarbané - Further Delineation of the TRAPPC6B Disorder: Report on a New Family and Review
J. Pediatr Genet. 2019 Dec 8.
Nair P, El-Bazzal L, Mansour H, Sabbagh S, Al-Ali MT, Gambarini A, Delague V, El-Hayek S, Mégarbané A. - Report of a Second Lebanese Family with Basel-Vanagaite-Smirin-Yosef Syndrome: Possible Founder Mutation.
Mol Syndromol. 2019 Jul 10
Nair P, Sabbagh S, Bizzari S, Brunner F, Stora S, Al-Ali MT, Gencik M, El-Hayek S, Mégarbané A. - Thyroid hormone and folinic acid in young children with Down syndrome: the phase 3 ACTHYF trial.
Genet Med. 2019 Jul 8.
Mircher C, Sacco S, Bouis C, Gallard J, Pichot A, Le Galloudec E, Cieuta C, Marey I, Greiner-Mahler O, Dorison N, Gambarini A, Stora S, Durand S, Polak M, Baruchel A, Schlumberger E, Dewailly J, Azar-Kolakez A, Guéant-Rodriguez RM, Guéant JL, Borderie D, Bonnefont-Rousselot D, Blondiaux E, Ravel A, Sturtz FG. - The Lebanese Allele in the PET100 Gene: Report on Two New Families with Cytochrome c Oxidase Deficiency
J Pediatr Genet. 2019 March 1
Hicham Mansour, Sandra Sabbagh, Sami Bizzari, Stephany El-Hayek, Eliane
Chouery, Alicia Gambarini, Martin Gencik, André Mégarbané. - COQ8A and MED25 Mutations in a child with intellectual disability, microcephaly, seizures, and spastic ataxia: synergistic effect of digenic variants?
Mol Syndromol. 2019 Jan
Pratibha Nair, Maher Lama, Stephany El-Hayek, Gretta Abou Sleymane, Samantha Stora, Marc Obeid, Mahmoud T. Al-Ali, Valérie Delague, André Mégarbané.
- Homozygous deletion of exons 2-7 within TGFB3 gene in a child with severe Loeys-Dietz syndrome and Marfan-like features.
Am J Med Genet A. – 2020 Feb 5
A. Mégarbané, A. Deepthi, M. Obeid, T Al-Ali M, Gambarini A., El-Hayek S. - Recessive marfanoid syndrome with herniation associated with a homozygous mutation in Fibulin-3.
Eur J Med Genet. – 2020 Jan 30
Bizzari S, El-Bazzal L, Nair P, Younan A, Stora S, Mehawej C, El-Hayek S, Delague V, Mégarbané A. - CNTNAP1 Mutations and Their Clinical Presentations: New Case – Report and Systematic Review
Hindawi – 2020 Apr 13
S. Sabbagh ,S. Antoun and A. Mégarbane - Transcriptomic study in women with trisomy 21 identifes a possible role of the GTPases of the immunity-associated proteins (GIMAP) in the protection of breast cancer
Scientific Reports – 2020 Jun 10
A. Mégarbané, D. Piquemal, A.-S. Rebillat, S. Stora, F. Pierrat, R. Bruno, F. Noguier, C. Mircher, A. Ravel, M. Vilaire-Meunier, S. Durand, G. Lefranc - Ultrastructural and dynamic studies of the endosomal compartment in Down syndrome
Acta Neuropathol Commun – 2020 Jun 24
A. Botté, J. Lainé, L. Xicota, X. Heiligenstein, G. Fontaine, A. Kasri, I. Rivals, P. Goh, O. Faklaris, J.-C. Cossec, E. Morel, A.-S. Rebillat, D. Nizetic, G. Raposo, M.-C. Potier - Auto-antibodies against type I IFNs in patients with life-threatening COVID-19
Science – 24 Sep 2020 - Inborn errors of type I IFN immunity in patients with life-threatening COVID-19
Science – 24 Sep 2020 - SIX6-related anophthalmia/microphthalmia: second report on a deletion in a consanguineous family
A. Deepthi , O. Fakhoury , M. Daher , A. Gambarini , S. El-Hayek & A. Megarbane
Ophthalmic Genetics – 28 Oct 2020 - SOX11-related syndrome: report on a new case and review
V. Wakim, P. Nair, V. Delague, S. Bizzari, M.Taleb Al-Ali, C. Castro, A. Gambarini, S. El-Hayek, A. Megarbane
Clin Dysmorphol – 2020 Oct 19 - A Report on a Family with TMTC3-Related Syndrome and Review
S. Hana, D. Harthik, J. Shan, S. El Hayek, L. Chouchane and A. Megarbane
Hindawi, Case Report in Medicine – 4 November 2020
Opportunities, barriers, and recommendations in down syndrome research
Translational Science of Rare Disease
J. A. Hendrix, A. Amon, L. Abbeduto, S. Agiovlasitis, T. Alsaied, H. A. Anderson, L. J. Bain, N. Baumer, A. Bhattacharyya, D. Bogunovic, K. N. Botteron, G. Capone, P. Chandan, I. Chase, B. Chicoine, C. Cieuta-Walti, L. R. DeRuisseau, S. Durand, A. Esbensen, J. Fortea, S. Gimenez, A.-C. Granholm, L. J. Hahn, E. Head, H. Hillerstrom, L. M. Jacola, M. P. Janicki, J. M. Jasien, A. R. Kamer, R. D. Kent, B. Khor, J. B. Lawrence, C. Lemonnier, A. Feldman Lewanda, W. Mobley, P. E. Moore, L. Pollak Nelson, N. M. Oreskovic, R. S. Osorio, D. Patterson, S. A. Rasmussen, R. H. Reeves, N. Roizen, S. Santoro, S. L. Sherman, N. Talib, I. E. Tapia, K. M. Walsh, S. F. Warren, A. N. White, G. William Wong and J. S. Yi
Efficacy and safety of methylphenidate on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children with Down syndrome
Journal of intellectual Disability Research, 21 February 2021
M. Roche, C. Mircher, J. Toulas, E. Prioux, M. Conte, A. Ravel, S. Falquero, A. Labidi, S. Stora, S. Durand, A. Mégarbané & C. Cieuta-Walti
Diagnostic and prognostic performance and longitudinal changes in plasma neurofilament light chain concentrations in adults with Down syndrome: a cohort study
The Lancet Neurology Vol 20, August 2021
M. Carmona-Iragui, D. Alcolea, I. Barroeta, L. Videla, L. Muñoz, K. L Van Pelt, F. A Schmitt, D. D Lightner, L. M Koehl, G. Jicha, S. Sacco, C. Mircher, S. E Pape, R. Hithersay, I. C H Clare, A. J Holland, G. Nübling, J. Levin, S. H Zaman, A. Strydom, A-S Rebillat, E. Head, R. Blesa, A. Lleó, J. Fortea
Autoantibodies neutralizing type I IFNs are present in ~ 4% of uninfected individuals over 70 years old and account for ~ 20% of COVID-19 deaths
Sci Immunol. 2021 Aug 19
DYRK1A and activity-dependent neuroprotective protein comparative diagnosis interest in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma in the context of Alzheimer-related cognitive impairment in Down syndrome patients
Biomedicines, 10 June 2022
Manon Moreau, Maria Carmona-Iragui, Miren Altuna, Lorraine Dalzon, Isabel Barroeta, Marie Vilaire, Sophie Durand, Juan Fortea, Anne-Sophie Rebillat, Nathalie Janel
Identification of 8-Hydroxyquinoline Derivatives That Decrease Cystathionine Beta Synthase (CBS) Activity
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17 June 2022
Pierre Conan, Alice Léon, Mathilde Gourdel, Claire Rollet, Loubna Chaïr, Noéline Caroff, Nelig Le Goux, Catherine Le Jossic-Corcos, Maha Sinane, Lucile Gentile, Louise Maillebouis, Nadège Loaëc, Jennifer Martin, Marie Vilaire, Laurent Corcos, Olivier Mignen, Mikael Croyal 2, Cécile Voisset, Frédéric Bihel and Gaëlle Friocourt
Safety and preliminary efficacy on cognitive performance and adaptive functionality of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in children with Down syndrome. A randomized phase Ib clinical trial (PERSEUS study)
Genetics in Medicine. 2022 Aug 10
Cécile Cieuta-Walti, Aida Cuenca-Royo, Klaus Langohr, Claire Rakic, Ma Ángeles López-Vílchez, Julián Lirio, Domingo González-Lamuño Leguina, Teresa Bermejo González, Jordi García García, Maria Rimblas Roure, Ana Aldea-Perona, Laura Forcano, Maria Gomis-Gonzalez, Sebastià Videla Cés, Florence Lacaille, Aimé Ravel, Clotilde Mircher, Hervé Walti, Nathalie Janel, Julien Dairou, Marilyne Lévy, Sophie Durand, Mara Dierssen, Silvia Sacco, Rafael de la Torre Fornell, PERSEUS Study Group
- Autoimmunity in Down’s syndrome via cytokines, CD4 T cells and CD11c+ B cells
Nature, 22 February 2023
Louise Malle, Roosheel S. Patel, Marta Martin-Fernandez , O’Jay Stewart, Quentin Philippot, Sofija Buta, Ashley Richardson, Vanessa Barcessat , Justin Taft, Paul Bastard, Julie Samuels , Clotilde Mircher, Anne-Sophie Rebillat, Louise Maillebouis, Marie Vilaire-Meunier, Kevin Tuballes, Brad R. Rosenberg, Rebecca Trachtman, Jean-Laurent Casanova, Luigi D. Notarangelo, Sacha Gnjatic, Douglas Bush & Dusan Bogunovic - DNA Methylation Profiling in Trisomy 21 Females With and Without Breast Cancer
Frontiers, 19 July 2023
Yosra Bejaoui, Sara Alresheq, Sophie Durand, Marie Vilaire-Meunier, Louise Maillebouis, Ayman Al Haj Zen, André Mégarbané, Nady El Hajj - A Cohort of Adults with Down Syndrome at Risk of Developing Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's & Dementia, 25 December 2023
A-S. Rebillat, C. Laffon De Mazieres, A. Hiance-Delahaye, C. Baraton, A-S. Bourgerie, P. Bourgeois, M. Clert, S. Falquero, D. Martet, S. Sacco, M. Vilaire, S. Durand, C. Mircher
En cas de réclamation, vous pouvez joindre le CRB BioJeL sur l’adresse mail biojel@institutlejeune.org